FLAPS-This is a project to get one of every issue from our home lodge, Wachtschu Mawachpo, Lodge 559. We are very close to completing this project. With Brad being elected 25 years after Bryan and Brett in 2019, it has been a history lesson as well as a walk down memory lane. This will be an ever evolving project with hopefully many more additions to come.
CSP-This is a project to get one of every council. This is a very fun project that has had us travel to several Trade-o-rees so far. Right now trips to the mailbox are very exciting! A little over halfway to having this project knocked out, we look forward to adding it to The West Family Collection. As we get closer, we may be posting some needs, so check back often.
75th Cub Scout Anniversary CSP-This is a project to get one issue from each council that celebrated the Cub's Anniversary in 2005. This is a Brett and Bryan project. It is nearly completed and I have learned something about my little Bear Scout. He is a cataloging machine. He started helping me with our family CSP project, and it has grown into our own side project. We cant wait to add this finished collection to The West Family Collection.
The West Family Collection